Lunch break can boost your productivity. How?

Five ways to make the most out of your lunch break.
You may look productive when you work through your lunch, but studies have found you’re anything but. In fact, working through your lunch break is one of the least productive things you can do.
Think you’re too busy to take a break? Think twice. Allowing your brain to switch off gives it a chance to re-energize. And when you return to work you will get more done than you would have without taking the rest.
All breaks from work are useful, but here are five tips to get your productivity rates increasing.
Tip #1: Eat mindfully
Nomen omen, as Latins would say. A lunch break should be for eating lunch. Yet, many people are eating hurriedly, unhealthily, or not eating at all. And since nutrition and productivity are linked, those could be a problem.
Mindful eating is essentially eating with a focus on what you are putting in your mouth and it allows us to decrease stress. It also helps encourage us to eat healthily, which in turn makes us fitter, smarter, and happier.
If you want to know more, here you can find some easy tips to improve your food habits.
Tip #2: Socialize
Being around other people makes us happy and improves our physical well-being. Spending your lunch break socializing can give you the push you need to make it through the afternoon’s work.
Coordinating your schedule with your bf or family would be great, since you’d spend your lunch break catching up and chatting.

We know COVID-19 has messed things up and now meeting is no longer so easy. But if being physically together isn’t possible, technology comes and saves you.
Alternatively, you can spend that time with your colleagues. Workplace socializing is good for business because it builds relationships and encourages teamwork. Try to get out of the office and make sure to avoid business chat: otherwise it’ll feel like an extension of work.
Tip #3: Exercise
As many of you may know, the mental benefits of exercises are overwhelming. Why don’t you use your lunch-hour to make use of them? It will boost your energy, apart from making you feel
You don’t have to do some sort of extreme stuff: a walk outside your house or office would be enough since it allows you to stretch and breathe some fresh air (apart from making you looking away from the screen for more than one sec).

Tip #4: Make plans
Having something to look forward to has a powerful psychological effect on our happiness, especially during these difficult times when even the smallest surprise looks like a huge event.
Use your lunchtime to plan something exciting. It could be a weekend away, dinner with your best friends, or even just a night in with a film you’ve always wanted to see.
Your plans will put you in a good mood for the rest of the day, plus arranging something nice for the evening will motivate you to power through your workload so to get home and enjoy your treat!
Tip #5: Escape mentally
The work bubble and its frenetic rhythm can leave us stressed. Spend your lunch breaks getting away from it all by reading a book, listening to an engaging podcast, or watching an interesting TV program. Focusing on different subjects will let you to get back to work relaxed and with a fresh perspective.

Whatever you prefer, make sure you enjoy it away from your desk. Changing up our location allows us to switch off from work.
To us at NutriBees, lunch breaks are fundamental. And that’s the reason why we put so much effort into trying to prepare ready-to-eat meals which could be deliver right at your doorstep. We think the best part is that our meals allow you to: save time, eat better and try different food.
What are you waiting for? Give us a try! 😉