Blog Nutribees

Diet delivery: its perks and why you should consider it.

Scritto da Laura di NutriBees | Apr 1, 2021 3:28:53 PM

Why has it become so essential?

Although Nutribees is not really a diet delivery service, many people rely on us when it comes to take more care of their eating habits, lifestyle and their wellness. 

It is surprisingly incredible how improving our way of eating allows us to feel better, both mentally and physically. And this may be the main reason why so many people, through the latest years, have decided to trust us and to try our special diet delivery service.

What’s it about?

First of all, our keyword is customization. In other words, we do not think our customers have all the same habits, goals or needs, so we give them the opportunity to point them out through an online and free test. As a result, our website will show them the best options on the menu.

Second, we embrace a very wide and mixed segment of clients. From a working couple to a top manager but, above all, our customers are all those people who want to experience a new (and healthier) way of eating but, somehow, have not had the chance to do so yet. For instance, it might be because they are lazy, or because they have no clue about cooking. And that’s exactly where we come into play, providing them our flexible and healthy solution.

So this made us reconsider the whole picture

Why do people count on our service, at the end of the day? and what are the aspects they do like the most?

First of all, we deliver ready-to-eat meals across the whole Country on a weekly basis, which can be basically translated in: we allow people to save their time since they don’t have to go shopping anymore.

No more long and boring queues. No more extra stress you really don’t need.

Besides: not going shopping means “not buying extra full-of-fat useless products”, such as biscuits or chips. So basically that kind of things one’d buy just out of gluttony.

However, everybody has a breaking point: a flavor, an ingredient, a food we can’t say no to. And that’s exactly the reason why we offer the right compromise between “healthy” and “mouth-watering” food.

You won’t have to give up on foodie goodness

It must be remembered that NutriBees provides already dosed portions. People have a “physical” imposition of how much they have to eat without the possibility to add “a little more” of that ingredient. And this sounds pretty good especially for those who lack in willpower and don’t want to give up on the “tasty component”. (Little spoiler: you won’t because our dishes are just as delicious as the ones your mom used to prepare for you).

All things considered, it looks like our service is perfect also for the office. Many of us don’t go home for the lunch break and therefore have difficulty finding a healthy dish around. Often we settle for a sandwich that, however, will hardly meet our nutritional, caloric and healthy food needs.

Are there concrete evidence of this system?

Although our dishes are prepared according to the indications of a nutritionist, the results of a diet at home service cannot be predicted with certainty because they depend on many factors. A part from the dishes delivered by NutriBees, in fact, is important to mention the food consumed outside of scheduled meals, genetics and ultimately the physical activity practiced.

In addition, as with all things, it is important not to exaggerate with expectations or think that overnight you can lose dozens of pounds. As shown above, the diet delivery service offered by NutriBees is focused on a dietary re-education.  Given these points, it’s safe to say that we encourage people to understand what are the best options of food for a healthy nutrition, underling that “healthy” and “delicious” can get perfectly along.

Oh, almost forgot! Our delivery service allows even those who live in small towns (and would struggle to use other home food delivery services) to be able to use it and to eat healthy without effort. You now have no excuses but to try us!
